Today I am going to rant about drivers who use HID car headlights.
Yes, you know who you are. You who think that having white light instead of yellowish light coming out from your car's headlights are cool. I have a bone to pick with you. In fact, I feel like breaking your car headlights with a baseball bat.
Okay, some pre-mumbles. Normal car headlights give out a yellowish light. However, some premium brands such as Mercedes Benz and BMW offers HID (High intensity discharge) or Xenon headlights in certain models. The colour of the light is white instead of yellow.
Then, there are a bunch of wankers who obviously cannot afford a Mercedes or a BMW, who went and replace the halogen bulbs in their headlights with HID light bulbs. This way they also can get a white light and feel real cool.
So what's my problem?
Well, if I drive at night and meet a Mercedes with original factory fitted HID lights coming towards me, this is what I will see :

However, if an Ah Beng drive towards me with after-market fitted HID lights on his crap Proton, this is what I will see :

Why the difference? Well, original factory fitted HID lights come with properly designed reflectors so that the white light gets projected in a straight line, lighting up only what is important ahead. However, the after-market HID light only involve changing the light bulb, and the reflector is never changed thus resulting in white light being scattered and reflected all over the place, blinding every driver they meet.
Of course these cheapskate drivers do not realize this problem, or couldn't care less as long as they think they look cool and it is just too bad if everyone else runs the risk of getting into accidents just because they cannot see the road in front for 5 seconds.
I really hope that the relevant authorities will ban all these after-market HID lights that's not properly installed.
So if you have after-market HID light bulbs installed n your car, and wonder why everyone is flashing their headlights at you, it is not because they think your white light is cool looking. They are trying to tell you that you are an inconsiderate twit.
I feel you man. When I ride my bike or whenever I drive, passing by with wankers really test your patients. No to mention the potential danger they can cause to us.
Next time around we fit 12 spot lights (the ones used in ships) and when they pass by, we switch them on. See how they enjoy that.
I feel those landing lights they fit on the Boeing 737s are the best. It's like looking at the sun.
I suggest you use Stratman's Torch of Eternal Blindness to glare them back. :D
ROTFLOL! I really enjoyed this post, Wombie! Especially the photo of what you see when an Ah Beng drives from the opposite direction with aftermarket HID lights.
Worse still, some of them think that purplish-blue color in headlamps is the way to go. Looks fancy in a car show, but blue light is the least sensitive color in the spectrum to the human eye.
When it rains or it's foggy, they'll have a problem seeing the road. And I'll go laughing at them back.
If you think LDU's rife with HID-equipped Protons, even Kancil owners here have HID. Bah!
Doc's right - I do carry "Stratman's Torch of Eternal Blindness" in my car - it's in the form of a 20mW green laser pointer.
BTW, what happened to your quad ion cannons from your previous HiLux, marn?
The Hella Comet 500s? Sold them off to an Ewok. JPJ said it is illegal to put them on the Hilux antiroll bar above the rear bucket. My Ninja already got very BRIGHT halogens so I don't need them ion cannons anymore.
The Hella Comet 500s? Sold them off to an Ewok. JPJ said it is illegal to put them on the Hilux antiroll bar above the rear bucket. My Ninja already got very BRIGHT halogens so I don't need them ion cannons anymore.
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