16 March 2008

45 not out.

I am 45 years old today.

Even though I am now 45 :

1) I have not retired yet. When I was 24 I told myself I will retire at 40 and go fish for trout in Australia.

2) I am still not yet a politician so that I can plunder the state's money.

3) I still do not own a Porsche 911, which I once swore I will before I die.

4) I do not have an Istana Wombat, with 25 bedrooms and 30 bathrooms.

5) I still work for other people.

But :

1) I am happy I am still in good health.

2) I have a wonderful wife and kids.

3) I am happy at work.

4) I am glad that I have a lot of friends both near and afar.

Life, is how you want it to be.

Now onto that half-century.


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Wombat :D

Shana said...

happy belated bday wombat! :D

Anonymous said...

haiya... don't only play scrabble in facebook oni. c? i'm a proud owner of a lambo now... :)

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday Wombat!! :D

Long live the wombats!!!!

Wombat said...

Thank you for all your birthday wishes folks.

Davoh said...

Only half-way, laddie .. heh. There was a time during my callow and dissolute youth that I believed that i would never reach 40, much less 'retire'. Well, that came and went and am still hangin' in. So, any day that i wake up breathing is a good day .. heh.

May you enjoy the celebrations of many more birthdays, Womby.