(Rkaru! Liverpool supporter's flag! Five European Cups!)

We landed at Baiyun International Airport in the late afternoon and were immediately whisked to Five Goats Hill, which is supposed to be the symbol for Guangzhou city.
Legend has it that a long long time ago in a galaxy far far away--- sorry, wrong movie. A long time ago, a famine struck Guangzhou and a lot of people starved to death because nothing can be grown as food. Then the gods took pity on the Guangzhou people and sent down five goats from the heavens. If you look closely at the highest located goat, you will see it is holding a stalk of grain in its mouth. The goat gave this stalk of grain to the starving people and they planted the grain and eventually harvested it as food and the people no longer starved. This statue is built to commemorate this miracle.
I looked around me and all I see are non-starving people. It is the second day of Chinese New Year and I think the whole of China is here. It is CROWDED! If you think you spotted Wombat in this picture, think again. You wish.
Night was spent at Canton Hotel. Four star rating, but the English translation is no star.
"Sir, does you speak the England?"
(To be continued...)
They'll have to change the flag when we win the sixth star this year.
... "go to roost"??? Damn... they have chickens in the room. Oh.. yeah... they might. ;-)
Rkaru : I thought of asking the tour guide (who is a Guilin chick, incidentally) whatever happened to the five goats after that, whether they ended up at barbeque goats etc. Then I remembered I have to face her for the next 8 days and decided not to. :-)
The next trip to China, bring along a dozen of permanent markers and liquid papers. :D
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